The Beauty of Perception

The Beauty of Perception

The Beauty of Perception is a poem that reveals the gifts and talents of people, who wait for others to appreciate them. Although it has been a long time since I wrote you a poem, my dearest readers. However, read and play with the rhythm.

The Beauty of Perception At Hand

A poem at hand,
a beauty in your in your sight.
Although, it may mean different things to different people.
It may mean, happiness, or sadness, or ugliness or something relating to how you feel.
So, says I.

A poem is judged by one’s likeness to it.
I call that, ” Beauty Perception”.
It is not much to be understood by all.
Some people love poetry for its beauty, others for its inner meaning.
So, says I.

While some hate her, for no just course.
Such is the mind.
So, says I.

I am an Abstract Poet.
For this, I was born.
Poetry is my food,
the food that makes my mind balance.
I am that wanderer in poetry.
Searching for the meaning of life and her existence.

I am not just a poet, but a lover of poetry.
Not all Poets love poetry.
Some are Poets just for her name’s sake.
Thereby, forgetting the purpose of her existence.
I am no such soul.
So, says I.

Bless me with poetry, and I will bless you with beauty.
For my poetry is not just poems alone.
There are embedded meanings of other natural things, such as love, life, beauty and so on.

And my BEAUTY is not just beauty.
She is a symbol of my new beginning.
At the moment, I have a new poetry,
and you have yours too.
And my NEW POETRY might not be your NEW POETRY.
We are structured differently.
So, says I.

Bless me with poetry, and I will bless you with beauty.
So says I.

For I do not need anyone to proclaim me a poet.
because I know, I am one.
I do not need anyone to beautify my poetry,
because only I understand what I do.
So, says I.

I can create and recreate.
I can make and remake.
For I am Creator and Maker in my kind.
I do not need any qualifications to do that.

Give me your ideas, and I will remake and recreate them.
And you shall bless me for that
because I am a Poet of my kind.

I am one Poet.
No double of me co-exists.
I may have taught you my principles and everything about poetry.
But my friend..! Our poetry cannot be the same.

Poetry is of the real and of the imaginative.
But only the real,
When we see, perceive, touch, smell, taste and study.
This can influence the imagination.

The imagination is the mind.
And it can only work with what you feed it with.

I am Mr Poetry.
Because if you,
Bless me with poetry,
I will bless you with beauty.
So, says I.

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  • Mind blowing.

  • Nice one sir

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